By wmdadmin on วันพุธ, 07 กรกฎาคม 2564
Category: Knowledge

ห้องปฏิบัติการ ART Lab

ห้องปฏิบัติการ ART Lab 

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1. Consultation room
2. Examination room: Internal examination, High frequency sound examination (Ultrasonography)
3. Surgical rooms and modern laboratories In the room where the embryo is kept, there will be a standard Clean Room Class 1,000, which is a clean room with temperature, humidity, light pressure and noise control. Control all environmental friendly
4. Laboratory IVF (+, Sperm, IVF Lab's)
5. Hormone, Lab's results accurately and quickly. Have quality control at Internal and External QC.
6. Sperm Lab. Analyze with computer. By personnel with particular expertise
7. Embryo Lab is a standard tool and equipment Quality control and inspection of equipment standards And quality of every kind of liquid regularly With the growing embryo to term until Blastocyst

8. Genetics, Lab's tools and modern equipment Laser standard used to help drill shell embryo. Reading results by computer Provide accurate and accurate results